
Covid-19 | FinDev stands by you

Dear Clients and Partners,

The Luxembourg Government has enacted a panel of measures with the view to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the Luxembourg territory and neighboring countries.

It is also our own responsibility to reduce the propagation of the Covid-19 virus and will therefore avoid all physical meetings as far as possible and we will consensually reschedule any meeting that would already have been set.

Our staff will work remotely in a working environment identical to the one available at our office. No disruption of service will be expected: telephone communications and e-mails will continue to be available as usual.

However, this reorganization of our working methods and the remote contact with and between our staff members may slightly affect response-time and we wish to apologize for any eventual inconvenience caused.

We wish you a safe continuation of your business activities as well as keeping you, your relatives and friends, in good health condition.

With best regards,


Any question ?

You have a project and you would like to talk about it with professionals? You are looking for funding or you are looking for an investment solution? Do not hesitate to contact us so that we can explore all possible options together. We will build a tailor-made offer according to your projects and development needs.